About us

Our purpose is to help clients to better understand the market, consumers and competitors. We base our on data and transform these data into actionable insights that help our clients generate business and keep them competitive.

Understand the consumer

Research and analyze consumer needs, desires, behaviors and preferences so that companies can adapt their products and services to meet their demands.

Evaluate the competition

Analyze market positioning, competitors, marketing strategies and strengths and weaknesses so that the company can identify opportunities and threats.

Identify market opportunities

Identify new trends, emerging market segments and niches that can be exploited by the company.

Measure customer satisfaction

Conduct surveys and studies to evaluate customer satisfaction and obtain feedback to improve products, services and customer experience.

Evaluate advertising and marketing effectiveness

Measure the effectiveness of marketing and advertising campaigns, and analyze the impact of promotional strategies on brand perception.

Make data-driven decisions

Provide accurate and reliable data so that companies can make well-informed strategic and tactical decisions.

Support new products or services launching

Conduct pre-launch research to understand how the target will receive a new product or service.

We have been passionate about market research for more than 20 years, with solid experience based on three pillars.

Elena Comas

Specialist in the Market Research/ Insights / Market Research with a solid experience both as a Market Research Supplier in a Market Research Agency and also as a Client in Multinational Companies of FMCG.

I have worked as a Project Leader in Research Agencies (SALVETTI&LLOMBART) and also being in charge of the Insights / Market Research department in multinational companies (BACARDÍ, CODORNÍU-RAVENTÓS).

I am currently Associate Professor of “Degree of Marketing and Market Research” for Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), teaching Marketing Management, Market Research and Quantitative Marketing..

Economist Post-graduate in “Market Research and Techniques” for “Universitat de Barcelona” and Master in “Marketing Management” for ESADE.


Project leader in Market Research agency


Market Research Responsible at multinational consumer goods companies


Professor of Market Research and Marketing at different universities